We are appealing for information after seven puppies were found abandoned in Bathgate, West Lothian.
The puppies, estimated to be just days old, were taken to a nearby veterinary practice by a member of the public on Friday 25 August after they were discovered in plastic box.

Senior inspector Stuart Murray said: “These puppies were found in a plastic container and are only days old. The member of public was quite distressed after finding them but quickly took them to a nearby vets to be checked over and contacted our helpline.
“We are very grateful to the person who found these puppies as we dread to think what would have happened if they hadn’t been found when they were.
“We are keen to trace the person who abandoned these puppies. We would also like to ensure the welfare of the bitch that gave birth to these pups.
“The puppies are now in the care of one of our animal rescue and rehoming centres.
“If anyone recognises these puppies, or has any information about their circumstances, they should call our confidential animal helpline on 03000 999 999.
“We are not currently accepting rehoming applications for these puppies.”