Amazon Wishlist
Did you know you can donate directly to a centre by shopping on Amazon? We use Amazon Wishlists to provide up-to-date shopping lists of what our animal rescue and rehoming centres need most.
At any given time, we care for thousands of domestic and wild animals. We rely on the support of the generous Scottish public to provide nutrition, stimulation and care for these. If you want to donate something that can make a real difference, our Amazon Wishlists are the place to look.
No two days are the same in the animal rescue centre world. A welfare report can lead to dozens of animals entering our care out of the blue, and in circumstances like this we may find we require supplies fast. By following our social media channels, you’ll always stay up-to-date on what the animals in our care need and how you can help.
You can view our Amazon Wishlists here:
- Aberdeenshire
- Angus, Fife & Tayside
- Dunbartonshire & West Scotland
- Edinburgh & Lothians
- Glasgow
- Glasgow Vet Clinic
- Highlands & Islands
- Lanarkshire
- National Wildlife Rescue Centre
- Inspectorate – Aberdeen
- Inspectorate – Central
- Inspectorate – Edinburgh
- Inspectorate – Glasgow
- Inspectorate – Inverness
When items donated via Amazon Wishlists are delivered, it won’t include your contact details. On behalf of the animals you’ll help, we say thank you for your generous support.
Donations don’t have to come from Amazon. If you want to give food, treats or toys, we’ll gratefully accept any donations. Just pop in to a centre and drop off your donation. They are open 10am-4pm every day, except Tuesdays. Our National Wildlife Rescue Centre is closed to the public, but you can drop off donations in the reception area.