Staff Fundraising
Would you and your colleagues love to get involved in some pawsome staff fundraising?
How many of your colleagues own a pet and care about animals? We bet it’s almost all of them! Scotland is a nation of animal lovers and that’s why joining forces to fundraise for the Scottish SPCA brings more benefits than you can count on four paws. Before you even think of the good any fundraising will do, staff benefit from boosted team morale and a wonderful sense of reward and achievement for their hard work.
It costs £56,000 per day to deliver our lifesaving work across Scotland, so any support we get from businesses is invaluable. From endurance challenges to fiercely contested bake-offs, there are office fundraising ideas for everyone. If you and your colleagues would like to fundraise for a specific cause or Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre, you can find out more about the current projects we need funding for here.
If you and your workplace decide to raise funds for the Scottish SPCA, then please let us know – we love to work in partnership with anyone who gives up time to help us. We’ll pull out all the stops to make sure your business has as many fun opportunities as possible to maximise the pennies raised for paws. You can check out our busy calendar of events, but we’ll also work with you to come up with some tailored fundraising fun just for your company.
For more information, please contact our fundraising team at corporate@scottishspca.org.