We are appealing for information after the body of a young cat was found in a play park on Toboggan road in Methil, Fife.
The kitten was found by a member of the public while walking their dog on the evening of 25 October. The animal was in a box inside a black bin bag and was wrapped in a baby blanket.
Scottish SPCA inspector Robyn Gray said, “The kitten is between five and six months old and is a young male.
“Unfortunately he is not microchipped and was not wearing a collar when he was found.
“He is black and white with a distinctive white marking on his face just above his mouth so we’re sure someone must recognise him.

“The kitten appeared to be in good body condition before he passed away with no visible wounds or disease so he has clearly been someone’s pet until recently.
“We’re keen to find out how the cat came to be in this location and the circumstances leading up to his death.
“While we appreciate the death of a pet can be a frightening and upsetting time, this isn’t the correct procedure to follow when dealing with the body of an animal.
“If anyone has any information on this incident they can contact our confidential animal helpline on 03000 999 999.”