
Wildlife Wise

How you can be Wildlife Wise.

We get called out to help thousands of young wildlife every year. In many cases, they don’t need help.

Well-meaning humans can disturb or move a baby wild animal and create a welfare issue, meaning we have to take it to our wildlife hospital.

With your support, we can make sure we only attend to jobs where animals really need us and keep wild families together.

What’s more, this means we are able to focus on wild animals with genuine injuries and illnesses.

Here are the key steps you should follow if you find any baby wildlife:


Don’t get too close to any young wild animals you see. You could scare them and, as they will likely nearby, their parents and siblings.

Instead, maintain a safe distance and observe as much as you can.


If there is no sign an animal is sick or injured and there’s no immediate threats to it (i.e. is it on a busy road or vulnerable to predators), then do not disturb it.

Instead, leave it be for a few hours and return to check on it again.


Once you’ve waited a while, hopefully a parent has returned and the wee one is fine.

If there’s no sign of an adult or no evidence one has visited, give our Animal Helpline a call on 03000 999 999.

By following these simple steps, you can be #WildlifeWise.

Let’s not create orphans when we don’t have to.

