We are hoping to raise £40,000 to replace the three shelters which were destroyed in the storm as well as adding five new shelters to the other fields to improve the outdoor grazing areas.
Centre manager, Louise Griese, said, “We were devastated to come in to work on the Saturday morning after Storm Arwen and discover that the horse shelters had been totally levelled.
“Thankfully, there were no horses in the shelters at the time and no people or animals were hurt, which is the most important thing.

“Shelters allow the horses to graze outside while still offering protection from the elements. Many of the horses in our care come from backgrounds of abuse and neglect so having time outside to exhibit natural behaviours like grazing is an important part of their rehabilitation.”
One such horse who has benefitted from the care and rehabilitation the centre has been able to provide is Eigg, a 26-year-old cob.

Louise continued, “Eigg came in to the centre in March 2020 as part of large group of horses that were seized on welfare grounds.
“When Eigg arrived at the centre she had lice through her coat, large worm burden, her feet needed trimmed and her teeth were over grown and needing dental work.
“The veterinary team took blood samples from her due to her age and condition and it came back positive for equine metabolic syndrome (EMS).
“Eigg’s EMS is easily managed and she doesn’t need any medication for it. She has to remain on a strict diet especially in the summer months when the grass is rich.
“The staff at the centre fully clipped her body and it took several special medicated baths to kill the lice. We worked closely with our vets to help Eigg with her teeth. She has had several dentals over her time with us to help with her eating.
“Finally, in August 2021, once court proceedings had concluded, Eigg and her friends were signed over into our care and could begin the search for their forever homes.
“Eigg is still in our care waiting for the perfect retirement home but until then she knows she’s happy and safe here.
“We’d be so grateful for anything people could spare towards these shelters and we know the horses in our care will be too.”
You can donate to the centre’s appeal by visiting: scottishspca.org/horseshelterappeal