

Primary Schools


Hi, some of you may have met me before through some of the Scottish SPCA’s Animal WISE activities and it’s great to see you back.

For those of you who don’t know me I am Gibson and I represent all the animals the Scottish SPCA has rescued over the years. I have been created to help inspire others in learning more about the Scottish SPCA’s work, the animals we care for and the partners we work with. I am so excited as I have been waiting for months and now finally the day has arrived where I can tell you about our new partnership with Dave and Finn.

They have an amazing story to share and by working through all the activities on this page you will learn all about who Dave and Finn are. It will make you really think about how special animals can be in our lives, especially those that you get to interact with all the time.

Ready to start?

Scroll down and watch the video of some of my friends asking Dave (and Finn) some questions.



What did you think of that video? How amazing is Finn!

I like Dave too of course but Finn is definitely my favourite dog in the whole world now! I obviously couldn’t get the real Finn to take you through our quest below so we have created an animated version of him (and Dave too).

Can you help us both be detectives and navigate through the four cases we face in the map below so we can reach Dave?



Download the Fabulous Finn
Primary Schools Activity Pack